Anywhere SmileCare Logo
Providing mobile dental hygiene services for retirement and long-term care facilities in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.

What we do

Anywhere SmileCare was established to meet the demands of a growing population that is unable to access dental care in a traditional setting. Neglecting oral health puts individuals at risk for serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. The goal of routine dental hygiene treatment is to decrease the risk of oral infection and improve quality of life.

With our mobile dental equipment, Anywhere SmileCare provides dental hygiene services to those living in long-term care facilities or in their private home. Clients receive treatment in our mobile dental chair, wheelchair, or bedside. For those living in care facilities, we provide a reclining tilt wheelchair. Clients in long-term care facilities are safely transferred into our chairs by the health care facility staff.

Dental concerns that go beyond a dental hygienist's scope of practice are referred to a dentist or denturist. If necessary, Anywhere SmileCare can coordinate and assist with tooth extractions onsite.

Our hygienist

Picture of Michelle Dodd
Michelle Dodd has been working in the dental field for 20 years. Her career began in 2004 as a Certified Dental Assistant. Her love of the profession prompted her to expand her skillset as a Registered Dental Hygienist. Michelle was born and raised in Moose Jaw, and has been working in family dentistry as a dental hygienist for the past 15 years.


Monday9:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday9:00am - 5:00pm